Section 2 —- Accounting Statements 2022/23 for EAST GARTON PARISH COUNCIL
Year Ending
31st March 2022 31st March 2023
£ £
1. Balances brought forward 3290 5633
2. (+) Precept or Rates and Levies 4500 4500
3, (+) Total other receipts 2000 336
4, (-) Staff costs 3901 4217
5. (-) Loan interest/capital repayments 0 0
6. (-) All other payments 256 2246
7. (=) Balances carried forward 5633 4006
8. Total value of cash and short term investments 5633 4006
9. Total fixed assets plus long term investments/assets 1136 1022
10. Total borrowings 0 0
East Garton Parish Council Year Ended 31° March 2023
Box 3: Variation - decrease of £1,664 (83%) from £2,000 in 2021/22 to £0 in 2022/3 to £336 in 2022/23 due to:
Two grants of £1,000 were received in 2021/22 one to help cover additional costs brought about by the Covid 19 pandemic and one to help with celebrations for the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee. In 2022/23 an additional grant of £327 was received to help with the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, the Council also received £9 in bank interest.
Box 6: Variation - increase of £1.990 (777%) from £256 in 2021/22 to £2,246 in 2022/23 due to:
Reduction in room hire costs (100)
Increase in CPRE membership 14
Increase in cost of pads for defibrillators 639
Increase in costs of merchandise used in the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebration 1,437
Bank Reconciliation as at 31 March 2023
Cash Book: Balance b/fwd 5,632.97
Plus: receipts 4,836.65
Less: payments (6,463.40)
Bank: Business Current Account 4,006.22