Minutes 5th December 2023

E A S T  G A R T O N  P A R I S H  C O U N C I L


The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.




PRESENT: Clllrs S Mattinson, F Brown, A Crawforth, D Dee, J Harvey and H Teasdale.


An apology for absence was received from Cllr V Clappison.


Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests


There were no changes declared by members to the register of interests.


Public session


Mr Fisher reported that following concerns with land drainage issues affecting his site in Fitling he had raised at the last meeting and the Clerk kindly facilitating a site meeting with ERYC and himself he confirmed that ERYC had taken note of the issues he raised with them for further investigation.


Members of the public expressed concern that the proposed SSE/Equinor development plans for the locality in terms of scope, scale and disruption would have significant detrimental impact on people’s lives and that VOICE was mounting a campaign to seek assistance to object to the proposed developments. A representative from VOICE asked if the Council would help fund the campaign and the Chair advised that if full details and costings were provided then in principle the Council may agree to assist in this respect and he also commented that he may personally be able to help in this direction. Comment was also made that a representative from the Council for the Preservation of Rural England would be meeting with the campaign group in the near future.


A member of the public commented that the salt bin in Grimston had been removed and the Clerk confirmed that the bin was owned by ERYC and that he would report the matter to ERYC for investigation/replacement.     


Minutes of the meeting held on the 9th November 2023


These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.


Matters arising from the minutes 


Highway issues - The Clerk reported receipt of a reply from ERYC which stated that the damaged 30mph speed limit repeater post at Back Lane was on a list of jobs to attend to and a further reply from ERYC with respect to proposed restrictions on through traffic on Back Lane which confirmed that no collisions had been reported within the last three years and coupled with this and its limited use by vehicular traffic, cost implications and the likelihood that the Police would not enforce a traffic regulation order on the stretch of Back Lane in question, the contents of which were noted.  




Hybrid application for the erection of a biomass and waste wood processing building and associated development and outline permission for the erection of up to 4 vertical farming units, 2 harvesting lagoons, construction of 11 kv substation and associated works at GB Bio Ltd Hull Road Aldbrough (amended scheme)


It was agreed that the Council's objection to the original application is still valid and that ERYC be notified that this is still the case in respect of this proposed amended scheme.


Change of use of land for the siting of static caravans to extend holiday park with associated works and infrastructure including car parking and construction of road within site at Westfield Country Park Fitling Lane Fitling


It was reported that ERYC had refused the above application.


Community Liaison Group Update


A report of the proceedings of the recent CLG meeting was presented at which it was reported that the workover rig had been removed from site on completion of planned work and it would be returning at some point in January.

In relation to the proposed Hydrogen Pathfinder Scheme tree planting was scheduled to commence in December until March 2024 with circa 4500 new trees planted and 2000 trees replanted.

With regard to the proposed Pathfinder planning application to ERYC it was reported that this had been delayed until the New Year as the initial visuals provided to the group were being reworked further details of which would be provided to the group in due course.

The group was advised that the company's Net Zero Hydrogen Fund application was due to be considered with an announcement due in mid-December and that the next CLG meeting was scheduled to take place on the 1st February 2024.




The Clerk confirmed that he had previously circulated the latest Police newsletter and confirmation was received from ERYC of one addition and one deletion to the register of electors.

The Clerk read a letter received from ERYC following the recent Changing Coasts East Riding drop-in events in which the Coastal Change Manager offered to attend a Council meeting to provide more details about the project and it was agreed to invite him to the next meeting subject to his availability.  


Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch


It was reported that there had been no reports of any incidents within the parish of late.


Financial matters


It was reported that the bank balance was currently £ 6,718.43.


Determination of precept for 2024/25 - The Clerk gave an overview of the current financial position with an estimated year-end balance and likely requirements for the coming financial year and it was agreed that the precept requirement be £ 5,000.00.


Any other business


Flooding issues in Fitling - Cllr Teasdale reported that she had met in Fitling with ERYC to discuss and highlight the various drainage issues of concern and that she had been advised that the potential causes would be investigated and relevant action taken to hopefully alleviate the longstanding drainage problems.


Highway issues - The Chair referred to a number of various types of poled road advisory signs on the B1242 in Garton being twisted and requiring corrective repositioning and it was agreed to refer the issue to ERYC and he commented that he would be available to meet with ERYC to highlight the offending signage.   


Next meeting - The next meeting to be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on Tuesday 6th February 2024 at 7.30pm unless otherwise advised.