The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.
PRESENT: Clllrs S Mattinson, F Brown, V Clappison, A Crawforth, D Dee, J Harvey and H Teasdale.
There were no apologies for absence as all members were in attendance.
Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests
There were no changes declared by members to the register of interests.
Meeting with ERYC Coastal Change Manager
The Chair welcomed Richard Jackson and Rosie Stannard to the meeting and Mr Jackson explained that the Changing Coasts East Riding project is a £15m scheme being delivered by ERYC in partnership with the Environment Agency. He outlined the type of activities which the project could fund and gave a slide presentation to highlight these areas and expressed the view that with the involvement of local communities, businesses and specialists that specific community schemes could be implemented for the benefit of coastal areas.
Mr Jackson took questions from the floor and distributed leaflets and copies of a questionnaire for completion by interested parties and announced that a newsletter would shortly be available detailing more information on the project.
The Chair thanked Mr Jackson for the informative presentation and for his and Ms Stannard's attendance at the meeting.
Public session
Mr Hardy outlined preventative measures which had been taken since flooding had occurred at Church Farm Cottage in support of the planning application on the agenda which he hoped the Council would later support.
A representative from Westfield Country Park circulated an A4 mono plan showing proposed highway improvements to be implemented on Fitling Lane should the proposed caravan development be approved by ERYC a copy of which he stated would be uploaded to the ERYC planning portal.
Minutes of the meeting held on the 6th February 2024
These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.
Matters arising from the minutes
Highway issues - A reply from ERYC stated that the damaged bridge rails on Humbleton Road near Alice Cottage previously reported on several occasions had not been replaced as yet due to the current financial situation the highways department is experiencing which meant that spending was restricted to essential items only until the new financial year which also affected the replacement of the damaged 30mph speed limit repeater post on Back Lane.
Longbrough Lane - The Clerk reported that following the objection he had submitted to the application to vary the Public Spaces Protection Order he had received notification from ERYC that the application had been refused following which he had submitted an application via ERYC for Community Payback to attend site to clear overgrown vegetation which had since been approved and that improvement works would commence in the near future.
The Clerk also reported that ERYC was in contact with the landowners for them to remove the two gates which were still obstructing the public highway and the Clerk was thanked for his efforts throughout the last few years in the matter.
Construction of single storey extension to side at Church Farm Cottage Grimston Lane Grimston - 23/03896/PLF
The Clerk reported that he had previously circulated comments from two residents of a neighbouring property for consideration and after discussion it was agreed that no objections be made to the application.
Change of use of land for the siting of static caravans to extend holiday park with associated works and infrastructure including car parking and construction of road within site at Westfield Country Park Fitling Lane Fitling (resubmission of 23/02508/PLF) – 23/03869/PLF
The Clerk advised that the application had been called in by a Ward Cllr and would be determined by Committee on 11th March and it was noted that the plan produced earlier in the public session did not show clearly the extent of the proposed highway improvements.
It was agreed to strongly object to this exactly mirrored application for the same reasons outlined in the Council's comments in October 2023 in respect of the original application and note that the Case Officer is again recommending refusal of the application and fully concur with his recommendation.
SSE Community Liaison Group
A report of the proceedings of the 29th February meeting of the group was given where it was reported that the work over rig had left site in mid-February with planned preparation works for re-watering of the cavern, tree planting and earthworks continuing as planned.
In relation to the Hydrogen Pathfinder project a target submission planning application date of June 2024 is anticipated with pre planning consultation likely around May.
It was reported that site screening is progressing with bund screening remaining and Heritage Hedging expected to complete scoping by the end of March.
It was reported that it was planned to hold a statutory public consultation in May/June relevant to the Hydrogen Storage project with publication of the preliminary environmental information report with online consultation and in person events in the area.
In relation to the Dogger Bank D project: It was announced that a grid connection location to connect into a new substation at Birkhill Wood had been approved and that the project would now focus full attention to connecting to the electrical transmission system which meant that the opportunity to produce green hydrogen at a dedicated onshore facility would now be retired from the project.
Finally, it was reported that the next group meeting would provisionally take place on the 11th April prior to which a site walk would be undertaken at 6pm.
The Clerk confirmed that he had previously circulated the recent Police newsletter, details of the ERYC crime prevention and community safety event and the SSE Dogger Bank D update.
Notification was received from ERYC of four additions to the register of electors.
An invitation was received from the CPRE to renew annual membership of the organisation and it was agreed to do so and to increase the contribution to £72.00.
Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch
It was reported that there had been no reports of any incidents within the parish of late which was an encouraging sign and Cllr Crawforth agreed to possibly obtain some Farmwatch notices to replace faded ones and for displaying in other suitable locations.
Financial matters
It was reported that the bank balance was currently £ 5,516.10.
Any other business
Highway issues - It was reported that a number of potholes required filling on Grimston Lane together with one on the B1242 and Cllr Clappison agreed to provide appropriate images to the Clerk for onward transmission to ERYC for attention.
Next meeting - The next meeting to be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on Tuesday 2nd April 2024 at 7.30pm unless otherwise advised.