Minutes 6th February 2024

E A S T  G A R T O N  P A R I S H  C O U N C I L


The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.




PRESENT: Clllrs S Mattinson, F Brown, A Crawforth, D Dee, J Harvey and H Teasdale.


An apology for absence was received from Cllr D Dee.


Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests


There were no changes declared by members to the register of interests.


Public session


A representative from Westfield Country Park commented that the site owner had agreed with ERYC to carry out highway improvement works at his expense in connection with the resubmitted planning application and circulated plans showing the proposed development for the attention of the Council.

Arising from flooding issues in Fitling discussed at the last meeting it was reported that ERYC was still investigating the problem particularly in the vicinity of Charity Farm.

It was reported that the ERYC owned salt bin at Grimston which had been reported by a member of the public as removed had now been located and was back in situ fully stocked.

PCSO Bainton gave an update on recent police activity in the area and reported that instances of poaching and hare coursing had significantly decreased and that once the biker season commenced patrols would be monitoring motor bike speeds on the B1242 corridor and enforcement action taken as appropriate.    


Minutes of the meeting held on the 5th December 2023


These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.


Matters arising from the minutes 


Highway issues - It was reported that ERYC had not replaced the damaged 30mph speed limit repeater post at Back Lane or the damaged bridge rails on Humbleton Road near Alice Cottage previously reported on several occasions and it was agreed to forward a further reminder.

The Clerk reported receipt of a reply from ERYC which stated that the various types of poled road advisory signs on the B1242 and surrounding roads which were twisted and requiring corrective repositioning would be inspected and simply corrected and those requiring further works would be referred to its signage operational team for attention.


Changing Coasts Est Riding - The Clerk confirmed that the ERYC's Coastal Change Manager would be attending the next meeting to discuss the recently announced project in detail. 




Change of use of land for the siting of static caravans to extend holiday park with associated works and infrastructure including car parking and construction of road within site at Westfield Country Park Fitling Lane Fitling (resubmission of 23/02508/PLF) - 23/03869/PLF


It was noted that the plans distributed earlier by a representative of the site did not show the proposed highway improvements referred to and it was agreed to forward a holding objection to the application whilst the Clerk seeks clarity from the ERYC Case Officer and Highways as to the detail and extent of the proposed highway improvements.


Community Liaison Group Update


A report of the proceedings of the 1st February meeting of the group was given where a presentation was provided on cavern creation, maintenance and decommissioning with a report that the workover rig on site for around four weeks carrying out maintenance works.   Following the first unsuccessful funding bid for the Hydrogen Pathfinder scheme it was reported that due to timeline changes there was a possibility that the Pathfinder and Hydrogen Storage project construction could overlap if both projects proceed, the cumulative impact being a concern to the group particularly noise, lighting and traffic issues.

Questions were raised as to the number of trees to be planted this season and assurance was given that the visual impact would not suffer with the matter reviewed moving forward.

An overview of current and expected activity relating to the Hydrogen Storage development was given and in relation to the Dogger Bank D project it was noted that the land agents had arranged surveys with residents but had not shown up as agreed which matter would be taken up with the company.

Finally, it was reported that the next group meeting would provisionally take place on the 29th February.




The Clerk confirmed that he had previously circulated the recent Police newsletters, details of temporary closure of Fitling Road in Humbleton, information on the Geological Disposal Facility working group relating to proposed nuclear waste storage in South Holderness, the East Riding Enhanced Bus Partnership forum meeting, ERSAB safeguarding information and the ERYC virtual Local Council event on 22nd February.


Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch


It was reported that there had been no reports of any incidents within the parish of late which was an encouraging sign.


Financial matters


It was reported that the bank balance was currently £5664.10



Any other business


Fitling Lane speed survey - Notification was received from ERYC that the recent survey over seven days showed the average speed was 19.9mph and the 85%ile speed was 25mph and that the assessment was that the lane does not require further intervention from ERYC.

Highway issues - Cllr Teasdale reported that certain areas of the carriageway in Fitling Lane recently improved by ERYC were showing signs of deterioration and she agreed to supply the Clerk with images for forward transmission to ERYC for review and attention.


It was reported that the salt bin in Fitling required refilling and the Clerk commented that he had been advised by ERYC that it had been restocked quite recently.

It was agreed that the litter pick take place in the parish on the 18th February from 9am.  


Longbrough Lane - The Clerk reported that in line with Council policy and in consultation with the Chair he had forwarded an objection to ERYC on the proposed introduction of a Public Spaces Protection Order on the entire length of the lane.


Next meeting - The next meeting to be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on Tuesday 5th March 2024 at 7.30pm unless otherwise advised.