Annual Awards Summary April 2022 - March 2024
The developer received planning permission for a 3-turbine development on land at Pilmar Lane, Roos in 2009 and, as part of that agreement, made a commitment to create a community fund.
The Tedder Hill Wind Farm Community Fund received an initial donation of £100,000 and thereafter an annual payment of c.£8,000 which has increased annually due to indexation and interest.
The fund received an annual donation of c. £8,000 from Ventient Energy, the wind farm developers, for both 2022-23 and 2023-24 - please see financial statements 2022/23 and 2023/24 at the end of this report for more information.
This annual report gives some background on the way the fund operates and looks at the progress that has been made in taking projects forward through awards made by the community fund from April 2022 to March 2024.
Legal Agreement
The commitment to providing the fund and its objectives are laid down in the Section 106. The section 106 provides the broad legal framework for the fund and the basis for the fund constitution.
The constitution provides details about the decision-making process, administrative procedures and reporting arrangements which include.
Fund Criteria
The Section 106 Agreement defines how the fund can be used as to promote, develop, support, and deliver initiatives and projects which are determined by the fund constitution and panel as being of benefit to the local community and for no other purpose.
The constitution states that the following types of activities can be supported: •
Educational activities; Community activities; Environmental initiatives; Energy efficiency initiatives
The fund constitution also defines activities that cannot be provided with financial supports as:
Activities adverse to the commercial operation of the wind farm; Political or religious campaigns; Activities that are statutory duties of public bodies (including East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Parish Councils, Fire, Police, Coastguard and Health Services).
It should also be noted that the fund is not intended to cover the cost of activities that have historically been or would normally be paid for through the parish council precept.
Area of Benefit
The Section 106 Agreement and constitution defines the area of benefit for the fund as a 5-kilometre radius of Roos Post Office in HU12 0HP.
Who Can Apply?
Applications are welcomed from community groups and organisations, charities, parish councils, schools, and churches.
How Much Money Can be Applied For?
No upper limit has been set, however applications over £10,000 will be considered by the panel as exceptional. The panel will wish to see evidence of the applicant’s own contribution to the project costs. This could be cash from fund raising, donations or materials and/or volunteer time.
The Fund Panel 2022/24
Applications are considered by a Panel comprising a representative of: • Roos Parish Council; Rimswell Parish Council; Burton Pidsea Parish Council; East Garton Parish Council; Halsham Parish Council and 2 representatives from East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
Fund Administration
The day-to-day administration of the fund is provided by East Riding of Yorkshire Council. This includes supporting the fund panel, handling enquiries, processing applications, marketing the Fund and financial administration. The council receive a 10% provision of the annual donation to administer the Community Benefit Fund.
What has been achieved?
In these 2 years, the fund panel considered 9 applications and made 2 main grant awards and 6 small grant awards. A further 5 Grants were made to Parish Councils in the immediate proximity to the wind farm.
The successful projects are initiatives which bring direct benefits to the groups they serve and help to ensure sustainable communities into the future.
The successful projects/awards from April 2022 to March 2024 are listed below.
Organisation Project – What the project achieved - Total project Cost (£) - Grant Award (£)
Main Grants
Burton Pidsea Primary School
Music 4 all - This award contributed to the purchase of music equipment to enable students to record and perform - £803 - £703
Roos Primary School Outdoor Area Provision
This award provided two outdoor all weather table tennis tables with equipment and six wooden benches - £4,554 - £4,554
Parish Grants
Roos Parish Council
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Parish Grant - £1,000 £1,000
East Garton Parish Council
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Parish Grant - £1,000 - £1,000
Halsham Parish Council
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Parish Grant - £1,000 - £1,000
Burton Pidsea Parish Council
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Parish Grant - £1,000 - £1,000
Rimswell Parish Council
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Parish Grant - £1,000 - £1,000
Small Grants
Halsham Parish Council
Coronation - £500 - £500
The Richard Lewis Remembrance Garden Committee
Wildlife Garden - £900 - £900
Rimswell Parish Council
Litter Bins - £1,000 - £1,000
Roos Primary School
Den - £952 - £952
Burton Pidsea in Bloom
Burton Pidsea in Bloom - £850 - £850
All Saint Church, Roos PCC
Refurbishment of Churchyard Seats - £524 - £524
TOTAL (pls note some awards have been rounded up) £14,983
Financial Statement 2022/23
The actual movement of monies into and out of the fund does not correspond to the total of awards made in any one year (e.g. some projects draw down funds over more than one year). The table below summarises the actual financial position of the fund at the beginning and close of the 22/23 year.
Period 1st April 2022 to 31 March 2023 £ Fund balance (balance brought forward from previous year) 23,279.04
Developers’ annual contribution received 8,072.46
Bank interest received 568.32
ERYC administration fee (10% deducted from annual contribution) 807.25
Payments made to projects 5,172.70
Outstanding project commitments still to be paid 30.00
Unallocated fund balance to carry forward 25,909.87
Financial Statement 2023/24
The actual movement of monies into and out of the fund does not correspond to the total of awards made in any one year (e.g. some projects draw down funds over more than one year). The table below summarises the actual financial position of the fund at the beginning and close of the 23/24 year.
Period 1st April 2023 to 31 March 2024 £ Fund balance (balance brought forward from previous year) 25,939.87
Developers’ annual contribution received 8,762.19
Bank interest received 1,219.02
ERYC administration fee (10% deducted from annual contribution) 876.22
Payments made to projects 8,429.66
Outstanding project commitments still to be paid 1,154.20
Unallocated fund balance to carry forward 25,461.00
Summary and Thank You
This report provides a summary of the activity that has taken place in the fund’s area of benefit from April 2022 to March 2024. The fund panel would like to thank the volunteers that have worked on projects and continue to support their communities through a whole range of actions, including:
The donation of goods, materials, and services from local companies; Money raised by groups to match fund grants; Assistance with events; Volunteer time.
For Further Information on the Fund and how to apply, please visit: Tedder Hill Wind Farm Community Fund
For any other queries please contact the Fund Administrator: Email: