Minutes 3rd September 2024

E A S T  G A R T O N  P A R I S H  C O U N C I L


The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.





PRESENT: Cllrs F Brown, A Crawforth, J Harvey and H Teasdale


Apologies for absence were received from: Cllrs S Mattinson and V Clappison.


In the Chair's absence Cllr Harvey chaired the meeting.


Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests


Cllr Crawforth declared a non-pecuniary interest in the first agenda item listed under Planning as she was a friend of the applicant.


Public session


Members of the public in attendance had no matters to raise for consideration by the Council.


Minutes of the meeting held on the 13th August 2024


These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.


Matters arising from the minutes


Grimston ex telephone box - The Clerk reported that he had submitted an application to the SSE Fund based on estimated costs of the likely amount to employ a contractor and purchase of the special paint for the unit as the deadline for applications was 23rd August. Since when Cllr Clappison had confirmed to him that Marshalls had kindly agreed to carry out the work free of charge and that he had ordered the paint from X2 Connect at a cost of £233.90.




Erection of single storey extensions to front and side of existing building to form office/shop/staff facilities and additional storage including installation of solar panels to roof at Green Meadows Park caravan site Fitling Lane Fitling - 24/01544/PLF


Cllr Crawforth having earlier declared an interest took no part in the discussion and did not vote in consideration of the application.


It was agreed that no objections be made to the application.



Erection of two storey extension to side to form annexe following demolition of existing garage and conservatory and construction of a canopy to front following removal of existing porch at Golden Ball Cottage Humbleton Road Fitling


It was reported that ERYC had approved the above application.


The Clerk reported that he had been notified by ERYC that the application for the erection of an agricultural building, part change of use of land in connection with Camping and Caravanning Club, construction of an above ground tank, portable toilet and water drain at land south east of Garton Windmill disused Aldbrough Road Garton had been withdrawn,


SSE Community Liaison Group


It was reported that the next Group meeting would be held on the 17th September in Aldbrough and the Clerk confirmed that he would forward the dates of upcoming meetings to members in the near future.




The Clerk reported that he had previously circulated the latest Police newsletter to members.


Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch


Following the Clerk's request to the Police to provide a batch of Farmwatch signs Cllr Crawforth confirmed that they had been delivered to her and they were circulated amongst members for display by interested landowners and it was agreed to ask the Police to provide a further batch when next in the area.


Financial matters


It was reported that the bank balance was currently £8,157.84


Consideration of providing a future First Aid course


As the Chair was not in attendance it was agreed to defer the matter until the next meeting.


Any other business


Speeding motor cyclists - It was agreed to refer the issue again to the Police for attention.


Highway matters - It was agreed to refer potholes in Fitling Lane south of Charity Farm to ERYC and Cllr Crawforth agreed to provide the Clerk with images that had been provided to her by a resident to forward to ERYC with a reminder that the damaged post/rail and the requested grip opposite had still not been attended to nor the passing place in Fitling Lane been sided out of vegetation.


Next meeting - The next meeting to be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 7.30pm unless otherwise advised.