The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.
PRESENT: Cllrs S Mattinson - Chair, A Crawforth, D Dee, J Harvey and Ward. Cllr S Whyte.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs F Brown, V Clappison and H Teasdale.
Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests
There were no changes declared by members to the register of interests.
Public session
Two members of the public raised their concerns with regard to the two recent planning applications submitted to ERYC for proposed developments at the Gas Caverns site which would affect the wellbeing of local residents and questioned what the community benefit might entail coupled with highway safety concerns.
They also commented that the contents of brown refuse bins had recently been emptied with that of the green bins into the same ERYC lorry and Ward Cllr Whyte agreed to investigate.
Following the question raised by a member of the public at the last meeting regarding the possibility of ERYC providing some unofficial passing places it was reported that the Chair and Clerk had met on site with the Area Engineer and that there was the possibility of providing one in the near future depending on budgetary requirements.
Minutes of the meeting held on the 1st October 2024
These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.
Matters arising from the minutes
Highway matters - It was reported that at the meeting the Chair and Clerk had with the Area Engineer he was satisfied on previously inspecting the passing place on Fitling Lane that no further action was required regarding overgrown vegetation and that a further meeting was not necessary.
Proposed future First Aid course - Cllr Crawforth produced costings for a couple of alternative types of course ideally to take place around March next year and it was agreed that once the next round of the SSE Thermal Community Investment Fund opens for applications that both alternatives are put forward for consideration.
SSE Thermal Community Investment Fund - The Clerk was pleased to report that the Panel had approved the Council's application for the purchase of the special paint for the ex-telephone box at Grimston housing the defibrillator, that Marshalls had completed the necessary work and that Cllr Clappison had thanked the company for its generosity.
Hazardous substances consent for the production, storage and use of hydrogen (5460 tonnes) in addition to the permitted storage of natural gas (755000 tonnes) and methanol (950 tonnes) at Gas Storage facility Garton Road Aldbrough - 24/02593/PHAZ
It was agreed that until the concerns of the Health & Safety Executive and ERYC Highways are suitably addressed the Council reserve the right to make comments on the application.
SSE Community Liaison Group
A report of the proceedings of the 17th October meeting was given at which reference was made by members on comments on the planning portal relevant to the proposed Pathfinder scheme which would be addressed by SSE moving forward and also that a new format for CLG meetings had been introduced to hopefully improve communication channels.
It was confirmed that the next meeting would be held in Garton on the 14th November.
The Clerk reported that he had previously circulated the latest Police newsletter, the East Riding Design Code consultation, the ERYC Safe Communities data for Mid Holderness and the ERYC Town and Parish Council meet and greet invitation to be held in Hornsea on the 28th November between 5 and 7pm.
Notification was received from ERYC of five amendments: Three additions and two deletions to the register of electors.
Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch
The Council was pleased to know that there had been no incidents of note in the parish of late.
Financial matters
It was reported that the bank balance is currently £ 6,849.61.
Any other business
Fitling defibrillator - The Chair reported that the defibrillator had recently been used and that he had immediately replaced the battery with one owned by his company and that he would reclaim the cost on the company's behalf.
It was agreed that Cllr Dee and Andrew Nendick join the Chair and Rupal North in acting as volunteers in monitoring defibrillator usage in the future.
Next meeting - The next meeting be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on Tuesday 3rd December 2024 at 7.30pm unless otherwise advised.