Minutes 9th November 2023

E A S T  G A R T O N  P A R I S H  C O U N C I L


The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.




PRESENT: Clllrs V Clappison, A Crawforth, D Dee, J Harvey and H Teasdale.


In the absence of the Chair Cllr Harvey chaired the meeting.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs S Mattinson and F Brown.


Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests


There were no changes declared by members to the register of interests.


Public session


Arising from a report of a number of potholes in Grimston Lane raised by a resident at the last meeting the Clerk reported that ERYC had advised him that a works order had been issued to fill them and that the matter of surface water flooding at its junction with the B1242 was under investigation by the Area Engineer.

The Clerk reported receipt of a reply from Mr Marriott with regard to the ditch at the rear of   properties in Grimston which stated that together with Mr Fisher they had inspected it and found nothing untoward apart from a branch at the southern end which had fallen in which could possibly cause a blockage and that he would alert the manager at Marshalls as the company is responsible for that section of the drain.

A member of the public asked if local businesses in Grimston could request drivers visiting their premises to give way on leaving the village at the left hand turn approach to Grimston Lane as there had been several near misses and Cllr Clappison confirmed that she would speak with Marshalls and the Clerk agreed to do likewise as required.

Mr Fisher voiced concerns with land drainage issues affecting his site in Fitling and the Clerk advised that issues generally in Fitling had recently been referred to ERYC following the recent heavy rainfall and that he would facilitate a site meeting with ERYC and Mr Fisher on his land as early as possible.    


Minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd October 2023


These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.


Matters arising from the minutes 


Litter pick - It was reported that eleven bags of litter had been collected at the session on the morning of 15th October and thanks were expressed to all those who had taken part. 


Highway issues - The Clerk reported that ERYC had confirmed to him that a works order had been issued to repair/replace the damaged barrier at the dyke near Alice Cottage on Humbleton Road and that the request for consideration to be given to preventing through traffic from using Back Lane at its northerly junction and its junction with Back Lane had been referred to Traffic Management by the Area Engineer for consideration. 




There were no new applications or decisions for the Council's consideration.


Community Liaison Group Update


A report of the proceedings of the recent CLG meeting was presented at which it was confirmed that following a complaint the lighting on the temporary site workover rig had now been adjusted and the meeting was informed that the planning application to ERYC in respect of the Hydrogen Pathfinder scheme was expected to be submitted in late November/early December ahead of which the group would be provided with photo montages and 3D images with the next Net Zero Hydrogen Fund application expected to be announced in mid-December.

The proposed screening plan was presented and the group advised that planting would take place in the current planting season.

An overview of current and expected activity relating to the Hydrogen Storage project was provided together with feed-back on the recent consultation events.

In respect of the Dogger Bank D project the group was advised that further landowner notices would shortly be displayed to identify parcels of land currently shown not to be registered with the Land Registry.

A request for a member of the VOICE group to sit on the CLG was considered and agreed with the next meeting scheduled for the 30th November.




The Clerk confirmed that he had previously circulated the latest Police newsletter together with an update communication received from SSE relevant to the proposed Dogger Bank D Wind Farm relating to the display of land ownership notices and confirmation was received from ERYC of one addition and one deletion to the register of electors.


Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch


It was reported that there had been no reports of any incidents within the parish of late.


Financial matters


It was reported that the bank balance was currently £6738.43.


Any other business


Highway matters - The Clerk reported that he had been informed by ERYC that the carriageway improvement works at the southern end of Fitling Lane would commence on the 27th November over a three -day period weather permitting and that the traffic speed survey in Fitling Lane would be taking place at the end of November,

It was agreed to refer a damaged 30mph speed limit repeater post sign to ERYC for attention.


Next meeting - The next meeting to be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on Tuesday 5th December 2023 at 7.30pm unless otherwise advised.