Minutes 1st August 2023

E A S T  G A R T O N  P A R I S H  C O U N C I L


The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.




PRESENT: Cllrs S Mattinson - Chair, V Clappison, A Crawforth, J Harvey and H Teasdale.

ERYC Ward Cllrs J Holby, A Talbot and S Whyte were also in attendance.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs F Brown and D Dee.


Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests


There were no changes declared by members to the register of interests.


Public session


The Chair introduced  the Ward Cllrs to the meeting who confirmed that they fully understood the local residents concerns with regard to SSE's proposed Hydrogen Pathfinder, Hydrogen Storage and Dogger Bank D wind Farm developments and would be taking up these concerns with the appropriate authorities especially with seeking effective mitigation measures to offset the detrimental effect on the local community these developments would have over a number of years. Cllr Holtby reported that he had attended the recent CLG meeting and Cllr Talbot confirmed that she would be meeting with SSE shortly and would be asking several pertinent questions on behalf of the local community and would report back to the Chair on these discussions. 


A member of the public reported that her claim against ERYC for compensation as a result of vehicle damage caused by a pothole in Fitling had been refused and that she was taking up the matter further with ERYC's insurer together with Cllr Brown who had also experienced a similar incident.    


Minutes of the meeting held on the 4th July 2023


These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.


Matters arising from the minutes 


Litter in  Fitling Lane - The Clerk reported that he had tried to contact Mr Mason of Westfield Country Park to ask if he would consider displaying appropriate notices on his site requesting his visitors not to drop litter in the lane but that he was still indisposed owing to a pressing personal family matter.


Council website - Cllr Teasdale reported that she was making progress with the website, however there had been problems with ERYC's software which it was hoped would be resolved in the near future.

Fitling Lane - A reply from ERYC confirmed that the Council's request for a traffic speed survey was being considered as to whether it was an appropriate survey to be commissioned.




Erection of portico with balustrade above to rear at Fitling Hall Westfield Lane Fitling


It was agreed that no objections be made to the above application.




The Clerk confirmed that he had previously circulated the latest Police Newsletter.


Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch


It was reported that there had been no reports of any incidents of late.


Any other business


Gas caverns CLG meeting - A report of the proceedings of the meeting held on 27th July was given in relation to the Hydrogen Pathfinder project at which feedback from the recent site walk relating to site screening was discussed and  that a meeting with Heritage Hedging had taken place to discuss options for screening improvements. The potential target date for the Hydrogen Storage scheme planning submission would potentially be by the end of 2024 and that approximately 200 construction personnel would be on site each day.

Dates for the Hydrogen Storage public consultation were announced as East Village Meadows in Garton on 13th September and Aldbrough Sports Hall on 14th September both from 2pm to 7pm and Sproatley Village Hall on 15th September from 1pm to 6pm.

The Group requested that communication and updates be coordinated with the Dogger Bank D Wind Farm project and for either attendance or information be available at future meetings.  The next meeting was scheduled for 7th September commencing at 7pm.

A reply from ERYC following the Council's request for an officer to attend meetings stated that the purpose of the liaison meetings was to enable a clear line of communication between the site operator and the local community and to discuss any site specific issues causing concern or for the operator to inform the community of potential changes or issues and as such there has been no need for a planning officer to be in attendance, however if a specific issue arises that needs the department's involvement then efforts would be made to attend. 

Highway issues- The Clerk reported that ERYC had advised him that carriageway repair works in Fitling Lane in several areas the vicinity of Field View would be undertaken around the end of October.  It was agreed to refer a pothole outside 1 Heath Villas Back Lane to ERYC for attention.


Next meeting - The next meeting to be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on Tuesday 5th September 2023 at 7.30pm unless otherwise advised.