Minutes 2nd July 2024

E A S T  G A R T O N  P A R I S H  C O U N C I L


The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.





PRESENT: Cllrs S Mattinson - Chair, A Crawforth and J Harvey.


Apologies for absence were received from: Cllrs F Brown, V Clappison, D Dee and H Teasdale.


Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests


There were no changes declared by members to the register of interests.


Public session


A member of the public referred to a number of potholes at the southern end of Fitling Lane, which required attention and he was advised that ERYC had already been made aware of the issue.


PCSO Bainton was in attendance and he commented that the bike nights during the summer months would again be monitored supported by the Police's Operation Fin bike riders and he referred to its Operation Lifestyle project for ten to eighteen year olds where the Police were engaging with local schools on certain projects.

He was questioned about a recent burglary which had taken place at the Spotted Duck Tearooms which the Council had not been notified of and he confirmed that he had not been made aware of the incident and he would look into the matter.


Minutes of the meeting held on the 4th June 2024


These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.


Matters arising from the minutes


Grimston ex telephone box - As Cllr Clappison was not in attendance it was agreed to await an update on her approach to Marshalls to enquire whether the company would be prepared to pay for the repainting of the unit. It was reported that Aldbrough Parish Council may have suitable paint surplus to requirements and the Clerk agreed to make enquiries in the matter. 




Erection of a two-storey extension to side to form annexe following demolition of existing garage and conservatory and construction of a canopy to front following removal of existing porch at Golden Ball Cottage Humbleton Road Fitling - 24/01679/PLF


It was agreed that no objections be made to the above application.


SSE Community Liaison Group


It was reported that public consultation events would be taking place in Aldbrough, Garton and Sproatley commencing on the 6th July where the public would be updated on the proposed SSE/Equinor Aldbrough Hydrogen Storage project and where the preliminary findings from the Environmental Impact Assessment would be shared and also that feedback received up until 18th August would be taken into account as the proposals were being developed.

It was also reported that the Hydrogen Pathfinder project planning application was expected to be submitted in the near future to ERYC for consideration upon which the Council would be consulted. 

The Clerk confirmed that he had approached Katie Atkinson at CPRE to seek advice and assistance in respect of the above two projects and that she had agreed to attend a Council meeting in the near future after her forthcoming holiday and the Chair commented that he would contact her to arrange a suitable date for her to attend the next meeting.




The Clerk reported that he had previously circulated the latest Police newsletter and details of the Aldbrough Hydrogen Storage statutory consultation received from SSE/Equinor. details of the Town and Parish Councils planning liaison meetings scheduled for the 13th and 18th June and notification was received from ERYC of six deletions to the register of electors.


Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch


There were no issues of concern to report at present and Cllr Crawforth confirmed that she would obtain a further batch of Farmwatch signs to replace weathered ones for further distribution to interested landowners.


Financial matters


It was reported that the bank balance was currently £9,232.17


Any other business


Garton WWTW - It was agreed to ask ERYC to tidy up the site which was overgrown with vegetation in certain areas.  


Next meeting - The next meeting to be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on a date to be determined in August in order to accommodate Katie Atkinson of the CPRE.