The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.
PRESENT: Cllrs S Mattinson - Chair, F Brown, V Clappison, A Crawforth, D Dee, J Harvey and H Teasdale.
There were no apologies for absence as all members were in attendance.
Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests
There were no changes declared by members to the register of interests.
Dogger Bank D Wind Farm
The Chair welcomed Rachel Palmer and her colleague from SSE to the meeting and Ms Palmer initially outlined the company's project for the parish to potentially accommodate the construction of and operational needs of a hydrogen production facility and its associated infrastructure. She was by Council members and the general public around 40 questions as to the likely impact of the proposed development on the parish and its residents ranging from timescales and potential size of the project to mitigation measures and whether the scheme is reliant on Pathfinder to name but a few.
She confirmed that a list of the questions posed to her would be forwarded after the meeting and that written answers would be provided before the next meeting with her on the 1st August and the Chair thanked the two ladies for attending the meeting.
Public session
A member of the public referred to potholes on Grimston Lane and was advised that the issue would be raised on the upcoming walkabout with ERYC where other general maintenance matters would also be highlighted requiring attention.
Minutes of the annual meeting held on the 6th June 2023
These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.
Matters arising from the minutes
Proposed litter pick - It was agreed that the litter pick be deferred until Autumn when the ERYC grass verge cutting season has ended.
ERYC village walkabout - Members were reminded to advise Cllr Crawforth of any outstanding issues requiring maintenance works by the ERYC taskforce team prior to her walkabout with ERYC on the 12th July.
Proposed litter bin at Fitling - The Clerk reported that he had contacted Mr Mason of Westfield Country Park asking if he would consider providing a mobile bin but owing to a pressing family matter Mr Mason was unable to consider this at present and Cllr Brown retracted her previous offer to empty such a bin in the main for safety reasons and that she would arrange for suitable notices to be displayed on her Fitling Lane boundary fence asking passers by not to deposit litter in the lane.
It was agreed that the Clerk approach both Green Meadows and Westfield Country Park to ask them to consider displaying notices on their sites to ask their visitors to also kindly not to drop litter in the lane.
Highway issue - A reply from the ERYC Area Engineer confirmed that the overgrown vegetation on the chevrons on the B1242 which was obscuring their presence had been passed to its grounds maintenance team for attention.
There were no new applications or decisions for the Council's consideration.
The Clerk confirmed that he had previously circulated the ERYC annual planning liaison meetings invitation and the East Riding Design Code update.
The Chair read a communication he had received from Mr Bantin in which he raised several concerns he had arising from the actions he had taken in the development taking place on his land and the Council noted the contents of the communication.
Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch
It was reported that there had been no reports of any recent incidents of late.
Parish website unaffiliated to the Council
Cllr Teasdale raised the matter of the eastgartonparish.uk website and it was agreed that it could give the impression that it is affiliated to the Council and it was agreed to ask Caroline Turner if she would highlight on the website she operates that it is not affiliated to the Council. She also commented that she was awaiting a user name and password for the proposed Council website which she had agreed to manage and which was anticipated to be up and running in the near future.
Fitling Lane - It was agreed to ask ERYC to conside undertaking a traffic speed survey within the 30mph speed limit between the Fitling Lane/Humbleton Road junction and the entrance to Westfield Country Park.
Next meeting - The next meeting to be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on Tuesday 1st August 2023 at 7.30pm unless otherwise advised.