The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.
PRESENT: Cllrs S Mattinson - Chair, F Brown, A Crawforth, V Clappison, D Dee, J Harvey and H Teasdale.
There were no apologies for absence as all members were in attendance.
Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests
There were no changes declared by members to the register of interests.
Election of Chair and Vice Chair
It was resolved that Cllr Mattinson be elected as Chair for the ensuing year and that Cllr Harvey be elected as Vice Chair for the same period.
Public session
A member of the public referred to previous issues raised which had not been reported on since they were raised including a proposed memorial to the aircrew of a Hampden AT196 who lost their lives in an air crash in 1942 near to Charity Farm in Fitling, relocation of the Fitling defibrillator, notice board and the Fitling village name plate.
She was advised that Yorkshire Ambulance had confirmed that the defibrillator's current location was the most suitable in that it was central, illuminated and under cover, that ERYC had confirmed that the bus shelter housing the notice board was not an issue from a highway perspective and is not considered an issue although it would assist if the overgrown trees at Meadow Sweet were cut back to improve visibility and had advised that the Fitling village nameplate sign would not be relocated as it is situated in a visible safe location.
She was also advised that a follow up enquiry would be made to ERYC on the question of a proposed memorial in relation to the 1942 air accident in Fitling.
Cllr Teasdale raised the possibility of the website being moved forward with and she was advised to contact Billie Henry who had commenced initial work in setting up the platform.
It was agreed that What's Ap Group postings should be dignified and have respect for others when they are posted to the forum.
Minutes of the meeting held on the 4th April 2023
These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.
Matters arising from the minutes
Proposed litter pick - It was agreed that session takes place on the 21st June meeting up at Bale House Farm at 6.30pm.
Highway issues - It was reported that the potholes in the vicinity of Fitling Hall on Westfield Lane, also on Lowfield Lane and near to Fitling Garth on Humbleton Road had not been attended to and it was agreed that a reminder be sent to ERYC.
A reply from ERYC in relation to the poor state of the carriageway at the southern end of Fitling Lane stated the area had been inspected between Westfield Lane and Longbrough Lane and that any defects that meet its intervention levels would be repaired and a holding treatment would be applied to improve the situation.
There were no new applications or decisions for the Council's consideration.
The Clerk confirmed that he had previously circulated the Police report together with the communication from Rachel Palmer of SSE with regard to development of the Dogger Bank Wind Farm for which the project team had identified the parish as within the boundary of a broad onshore scoping area that could potentially accommodate the construction and operational compound needs of a hydrogen production facility and its associated infrastructure and it was agreed to invite her to the July meeting to discuss the early stage development of the project.
A membership renewal from CPRE the countryside charity was received inviting the Council to increase its payment by £10.00 to £60.00 per annum which was agreed.
Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch
It was reported that sadly there had been a burglary incident in Fitling of late.
Any other business
Gas caverns - A report of the proceedings of the CLG meeting held on the 11th May was given at which the group was informed that full site outage would be taking place until the 22nd May followed by export train outage until 19th June. There would be an on going review of the exposed pipes at the bottom of the cliff top and planned works with the workover rig had been further delayed with brine tanker movements taking place from Aldbrough to Atwick. An update on the Hydrogen Pathfinder project was presented with public consultation events taking place at East Village Meadows in Garton on the7th June and at Aldbrough Village Hall on the 8th June both between 2.30 and 7pm.
An update on the latest developments with the Hydrogen storage project was also given.
Speeding motor bikers - It was agreed to refer the the incidence of speeding by motor cyclists to the Police for attention and comment.
Next meeting - The next meeting to be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on Tuesday 6th June 2023 at 7.30pm unless otherwise advised.