Minutes: 6th June 2023

E A S T  G A R T O N  P A R I S H  C O U N C I L


The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.




PRESENT: Cllrs F Brown, V Clappison, D Dee and J Harvey.


In the absence of the Chair Cllr Harvey chaired the meeting.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs S Mattinson, A Crawforth and H Teasdale.


Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests


There were no changes declared by members to the register of interests.


Public session


Members of the public raised several concerns relevant to the proposed Equinor/SSE Hydrogen storage project in respect to the impact on quality of life for residents during drilling operations, effect on all wildlife, further tree planting required to act as a shelter belt,     protection of the coastline, coastal path and bridleway and protection to St Michael's Church so as not to cause harm to its setting together with concerns on site security aspects.

Following the concerns raised the Council agreed to inform the Planning Inspectorate that the above areas should be addressed and provided in detail in the Environmental Statement relating to the proposed development for which it had been asked for a Scoping Opinion by the developers.   


Minutes of the annual meeting held on the 16th May 2023


These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.


Matters arising from the minutes 


Proposed litter pick - The Clerk reported that Cllr Crawforth had advised him that ERYC would be providing the litter pickers and black sacks for the litter pick on the 21st June.


Highway issues - Following reports that a number of potholes had not been filled in Fitling to which the Clerk had referred this back to ERYC, a plan had been provided by ERYC showing the location of at least eleven potholes which had been filled which was subsequently circulated to members for information.




There were no new applications or decisions for the Council's consideration.




The Clerk confirmed that he had previously circulated the Police report, the Dogger Bank South Wind Farm consultation, ERSAB newsletter and the Planning Inspectorate consultation on the Hydrogen storage project together with the RWE Dogger Bank South newsletter and that Rachel Palmer of SSE had confirmed her attendance at the next meeting  with regard to proposed development of the Dogger Bank Wind Farm to discuss the early stage development of the project.


Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch


It was reported that encouragingly there had been no reports of any recent incidents of late.


Any other business


Gas caverns - All present were reminded and encouraged to attend the public consultation events on the Hydrogen Pathfinder project which were taking place at East Village Meadows in Garton on the 7th June and at Aldbrough Village Hall on the 8th June both between 2.30 and 7pm


Speeding motor bikers - A reply from the Police stated that it was stepping up its presence on the B1242 now that the biker season had arrived.


ERYC village walkabout - Following Cllr Crawforth's offer to attend the walkabout with a representative of ERYC on the 12th July to identify areas requiring maintenance works to be carried out by its taskforce team, members were advised to make Cllr Crawforth aware of any issues for consideration prior to the above date.


Salt bins - The Clerk reported that he had discussed the Council's bins with the Chair previously and that ERYC carry out routine maintenance visits/top ups at £49 per visit per bin and it was agreed to ask ERYC if it would carry out this service in future.


Proposed litter bin at Fitling - Members felt that the cost of a bin from ERYC was expensive and it was agreed to ask Mr Mason of Westfield Country Park if he would consider providing a mobile bin near the seat at the junction of Fitling Lane/Humbleton Road for which if necessary Cllr Brown offered to empty as and when required. 


Highway issue - It was agreed to refer overgrown vegetation on the chevrons on the B1242 which was obscuring their presence to ERYC for attention.


Garton Mill field - It was reported that disappointingly the Camping and Caravanning Club had approved the application to set up a small campsite at the location.


Marshalls at Grimston - Cllr Clappison reported that protesters would be in attendance on the 10th June to mark the occasion of National Animal Day and that there would be a Police presence.


Audit report - It was agreed to certify the Council as exempt from a limited assurance review following the internal auditor signing off the accounts for 2022/23 and the annual governance statements were duly approved.                


Next meeting - The next meeting to be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on Tuesday 4th July 2023 at 7.30pm unless otherwise advised.