Minutes 13th August 2024

E A S T  G A R T O N  P A R I S H  C O U N C I L


The Parish Council comprises of the Holderness villages of Fitling, Garton and Grimston.






PRESENT: Cllrs S Mattinson - Chair, V Clappison, A Crawforth, D Dee, J Harvey and H Teasdale.


An apology for absence was received from Cllr F Brown.


Consideration of Councillor’s declaration of interests


There were no changes declared by members to the register of interests.


Meeting with Katie Anderson of CPRE in connection with SSE/Equinor proposed Hydrogen Storage and Pathfinder projects


The Chair welcomed Ms Anderson to the meeting and she confirmed that the CPRE would be making appropriate comments on the above two proposed schemes. She also commented that the British Horse Society and the Ramblers Association should be approached to offer their respective comments on the applications. She commented that focus required concentrating on the negative impact that the schemes would have on the landscape, noise from drilling operations and the vast amount of HGV movements whilst the projects were under construction with danger to horse riders, joggers, pedestrians, cyclists and other road users.

Ms Anderson also stated that the developments would have a detrimental effect on the setting of a number of listed buildings and that if approved a dedicated transport route should be implemented and monitored throughout construction.

She offered to provide the Council with a copy of the CPRE's response to the statutory consultation under section 42 of the Planning Act 2008 in respect of the Hydrogen Storage scheme to assist the Council in its consultation response.

The Chair thanked her for attending and for providing her expertise and commented that he hoped that the CPRE and the Council could work closely in future in making further representations as both schemes evolved.


Public session


A member of the public commented that the grass verge in Grimston Lane had been cut back to bare earth and that with heavy rainfall the area would be reduced to a muddy patch and it was agreed to refer the matter to ERYC for attention.


Minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd July 2024


These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.


Matters arising from the minutes


Garton WWTW - A reply from ERYC stated that its contractor would shortly be attending site to clear the overgrown vegetation.


Grimston ex telephone box - Cllr Clappison reported that Marshalls had not responded to her message requesting the company to consider paying for the repainting of the unit which she would follow up. In the mean-time it was agreed to submit an application to the SSE Fund and to obtain a quote from X2 Connect for supply of the special paint as Aldbrough Parish Council did not wish to dispose of its paint.




Erection of straw shed at Moat Farm Westfield Lane Fitling


It was reported that ERYC had approved the above application.


Appeal - It was noted that an appeal had been made against an enforcement notice issued by ERYC for breach of planning control alleged at Crawshaw Bungalow Westfield Lane Fitling


SSE Community Liaison Group


It was reported that the Group would not be meeting in the immediate future whilst the proposed two SSE/Equinor schemes were being submitted to the respective Authorities.




The Clerk reported that he had previously circulated the latest Police newsletter and notification was received from ERYC of four additions and one deletion to the register of electors.


Neighbourhood Watch/Farmwatch


It was reported that there had been several incidents of late in Aldbrough and it was agreed to ask PCSO Bainton if he could obtain a further batch of Farmwatch signs to replace weathered ones for further distribution to interested landowners.


Financial matters


It was reported that the bank balance was currently £8,167.84


Any other business


The Chair commented that he would contact Cllr Brown with respect to her uploading future agendas onto the What's App Group site and it was agreed that a future first aid course be an agenda item for the next meeting. 


Next meeting - The next meeting to be held at Aldbrough Village Hall on the B1242 on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 7.30pm unless otherwise advised.